Okky Madasari and her team for years have been providing writing workshop for essay, fiction, feature and reports and other writings for business purposes, general public, universities, government offices, communities and corporates. She has been developing a unique method to allow for a quick mastery of basic writing skills in producing quality pieces. She has been giving workshops to people from private companies, state-owned firms, government institutions and universities across Indonesia and overseas, including Singapore and United States.

In fiction, she has developed her own technique and materials for writing short story and novel. Her methods allow people who only begin writing to develop their skills to higher level, and those who have been in the process of writing as well those who have finished their manuscript to improve what they have written into a publishable form.

In non-fiction, Okky has established a specific way to allow her students to produce a powerful and appealing yet easy to understand composition, especially for businesses and corporates, such as materials for company profile, business proposals, event and project reports, press releases and articles for media.

The workshop also provides classes of English writing for both fiction and non-fiction for individuals, businesses and corporates, and universities.

For inquiry please email Okky Madasari Management: